Fertility Services

The ART (IVF) Process

MOS (Mild Ovarian Stimulation)

Mild Ovarian Stimulation is a new form of IVF specifically designed to make the process of falling pregnant easier and faster, with fewer side effects and less emotional drain than traditional methods. The aim of MOS therapy is to help women get pregnant sooner while minimising side effects.

The Advantages

  • Less drugs required, 8-10 days therefore Less side effects
  • Less blood tests and Less IVF clinic visits
  • Less embryo transfers per baby therefore Less expensive

MOS provides a safer, less demanding and more cost-effective alternative to conventional IVF where high doses of fertility hormones are used to generate many eggs for collection. Unlike traditional IVF, many eggs are retrieved in the initial treatment phase. MOS involves the retrieval of fewer developing eggs but aiming at higher quality eggs.

This approach reduces the need for high doses of fertility hormones and in turn decreases potential risks and side effects to the patient. Mild ovarian stimulation is as effective as traditional IVF but without the same financial, physical and emotional drain. The major advantage is to achieve the same number of babies per cycle as a traditional IVF cycle.

Other Protocols

Dr Tang will advise and adjust your ART protocols specifically to your needs, to maximise your chances of success. You will explain the differences and benefits of each protocol and will fine-tune to suit your specific needs.

Freezing Options

There are increasing evidence on the success of egg freezing. Women are more successful in their education and career these days, and egg freezing is not an uncommon consideration for those who have not had the opportunity for a pregnancy, and for those who may be worried about their 'biological clock'. If this is a possible option for you, you should come and discuss with Dr Tang. She will explain the alternatives, the costs involved, the relative success rates and will work out the personal dilemmas that you may encounter.

Donor Eggs and Sperm

Donor eggs or sperm may not be easily accessible. Some patients may choose to find their own donors. At City Fertility, there are anonymous donor sperm available recruited locally from Sperm Donor Australia. Alternatively Dr Tang can liaise with overseas facilities to access sperm from the United States. For some patients this may not be the first option and Dr Tang will explain to you each option and their implications.

Counselling is an essential component of our donor program. We carry out counselling at our rooms. Our counsellors require one session with the recipient and partner (if relevant), one session with the donor and partner (if relevant) and one session with everyone together. All donors are subject to an extensive screening process. In addition to providing detailed family medical and personal history information, donors undergo semen analysis, a physical examination, extensive blood and urine testing, and genetic screening at our sperm bank. Dr Tang is very sensitive towards your needs and will empathise and assist in organising what is needed in your case.

If you are single or have completed your family and are interested in donating your sperm, eggs or embryos, please contact Dr Tang's rooms or City Fertility Centre for an assessment.